Thursday, November 15, 2012

Hola de nuevo

Hola de Nuevo :) Hope you’re all doing well. I am writing from the training center in Guarambare, where just yesterday I found out that I will be moving to La Novia (yes, the girlfriend), a small town of about 50 households in the district of Nueva Londres in the department of Caaguazu. I am excited to go visit my site and will be leaving tomorrow to meet my community contact(s) and spend about 4-5 days in site! It’s crazy that this is happening so soon, but also we’ve been waiting since day 1 to find out where we will be living as volunteers for the next two years. Training has been a little world of its own, where it is not at all indicative of my actual life as a volunteer in agricultural extension. I am with 50 other Americans basically every day, and have my entire day from 7am to 5pm rupi (around) scheduled and almost every minute accounted for. Contrast that to my soon to be life where every moment is lived in the present and nothing is planned (well some things will be planned but not like this) and everything is tranquilo. 

I don't have time to post more - but I will be gone without internet til next Wednesday and then celebrating Thanksgiving at the US Embassy in Asuncion on Thursay! Happy thanksgiving everyone and lots of love!!!! I'll be thinking of you :)


the pic above is of me outside my homestay