I've been a bit behind on my blog posting activity here on the farm, mainly because we have limited internet access it seems whenever I have the time to sit down and post. I am going to start to write some blog posts while off-line, and back log them as I have the time and better wireless connection! I've been busy here as well, and am trying to get back in the swing of things after being in Jersey last week for my grandmother's funeral. It was a surreal few days to be home with family after living here in Sonoma County and not being connected to life on the east coast. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with family and friends that I got to see, although I wish the circumstances for my homecoming had been different. My grandma is no longer suffering with Alzheimer's disease, and I am comforted by the fact that she is now at peace. I made banana bread in her honor to leave for the other interns the night before my 6am flight to Newark, which everyone seemed to enjoyed!
Today marks the end of week 7 in my internship, and I cannot believe that much time has flown by. It's absolutely insane. We all announced our intern projects this morning in our 8am meeting, and I will be working on the Green String blog as well as heading up farm tours that allow for visitors to get a deeper understanding of the natural process farming techniques and get a taste of farm life. I'm really excited about working on both of these things, and making sure more people know about what Green String is up to and how the internship program helps develop sustainable agriculture and the young farmer movement.

Spring is in the air - and we've been planting and transplanting so many delicious vegetables. Tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers, sweet peas, broccoli, kale, lettuces...and so much more! It's almost the end of root vegetables in storage, and I can't wait for more greens and wonderful food. There are a ton of flowers in bloom on the farm as well - and we've been selling flower bouquets in the store which are so beautiful. We have a huge sweet williams patch of flowers that are flowering and ready to be picked.
I have to run - but missing everyone and sending out lots of love :)